As you already know, diseased teeth and the associated jaw joint can cause a variety of physical and health problems. From headaches to sinus and ear problems to back pain; teeth can be the cause of pain. You can find out why teeth are team players in today's blog post.
Headaches and earaches caused by diseased teeth
Anyone who suffers from headaches, earaches or tinnitus, for example, will rarely associate these symptoms with bad teeth. It is not uncommon for bad teeth or a bad jaw joint to cause pain in the surrounding tissue. Did you know that the human jaw joint is located directly in front of the ears? Pain caused in this area can sometimes be very severe.
The jaw does not always have to be the actual cause of the problem. Incorrect or too high fillings on the teeth can also be the cause of pain around the jaw joint, in the head or in the ears. Teeth in the wrong position can also be particularly painful, as is the case with misalignment, for example, or after tooth loss.
Teeth grinding can overtax the jaw joint
For example, if you suffer from grinding your teeth at night or if you press your teeth together too hard when chewing, this can also overtax your jaw joint over time. Pressing your teeth too hard when chewing can overtax your jaw joint. This overtaxing of the jaw region can ultimately manifest itself in the symptoms already mentioned.
The excessive strain always manifests itself in pain that can radiate far into the surrounding areas of the body. However, the symptoms can appear in very different ways. For example, both jaw joints can be affected, or just one side. Depending on which region is affected and how severely, this can affect the intensity of the pain.
If you have frequent earaches or headaches, suffer from tinnitus or have problems with your sinuses, and other physical causes can be ruled out, we recommend that you visit your dentist. Your dentist can easily determine from your teeth whether your teeth are the cause of your problems. If this is the case, orthodontic treatment can follow and lead to freedom from symptoms.