
Ultraschall-Zahnbürste richtig benutzen: mit der emmi®-dent zu gesunden Zähnen

Using an ultrasonic toothbrush correctly: get healthy teeth with the emmi®-dent

The emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush revolutionizes dental care with its innovative functional principle – also in terms of handling: It cleans the teeth more thoroughly and gently than conv...

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Barrierefrei Gütesiegel EUKOBA

Barrier-free quality seal EUKOBA

emmi ® -dent Care Barrier-free seal of approval Quality seal EU-GS 904 3 201 7 0037 D 0 The European Competence Centre for Accessibility eV hereby awards, by decision of the Control Committ...

Erfahrungsbericht Gesundheits- und Bildungszentrum Königssee

Experience report Health and Education Center Königssee

I treated a man whose left outer side of his body, from his belly button downwards, was covered in an almost continuous bruise. There was a severe thrombosis in the transition from the Achilles te...

Mikrobläschen Zertifikat Goethe Universität

Microbubble Certificate Goethe University

Microbubble Confirmation in emmi-dent Toothpaste Confirmation As shown below, you can see a detail taken at high magnification from Emmi-dent toothpaste. Produced with the Hita...

Klinische Studie 2018

Clinical Study 2018

Ultrasound compared to manual toothbrushing in orthodontic patients with manifest gum inflammation (gingivitis) - A randomized, clinically controlled trial. Executive Summary...

Klinische Studie 2013

Clinical Study 2013

Clinically controlled study of plaque reduction and inflammation control of the gingiva with the ultrasonic toothbrush emmi ® -dent Executive Summary Witten 2011 ORMED In...

Klinische Studie 2012

Clinical Study 2012

Clinically controlled study on the effect of Ultrasound effect in the periodontal maintenance therapy Executive Summary Witten 2012 ORMED Institute for Oral Medicine at t...

Ultraschall-Gesichtsbehandlung und seine Wirkung

Ultrasound facial treatment and its effects

An ultrasound facial treatment is an effective way to To make the skin on the face and neck area appear younger and fresherUltrasonic facial cleansing is the technology of the future and is not onl...

Mit Ultraschall das Gesicht pflegen – Richtige Anwendung und Sicherheitshinweise

Care for your face with ultrasound – correct application and safety instructions

An ultrasound facial treatment is useful in many ways. The innovative technology is particularly beneficial for the skin and ensures that Your skin looks fresher, more elastic and purer. Invest now...

Mit einer Ultraschallgesichtsreinigung Pickel aktiv bekämpfen

Actively combat pimples with an ultrasonic facial cleansing

Stress, hecticness or private problems often have a negative effect on our skin. In addition, hormones can cause impure skin, so that pimples or blackheads are not long in coming. In order to preve...

Ultraschall gegen Falten einsetzen und Ausstrahlung verbessern

Using ultrasound to combat wrinkles and improve radiance

For many people, wrinkles are an unsightly sign of aging that they want to delay as long as possible. This can become a reality with our innovative ultrasound devices, so that you can benefit from ...

Ultraschall Hautpflege für zuhause: emmi®-skin

Ultrasound skin care for home: emmi®-skin

The skin should look young, smooth and flawless in order to meet the current ideal of beauty. We put a lot of effort into skin care to achieve this. It is important to take the skin type, age and l...

Ultraschallbehandlung im Gesicht sorgt für ein jüngeres und strahlendes Aussehen

Ultrasound treatment on the face ensures a younger and radiant appearance

Our skin is our largest sensory organ and an important aspect of our charisma and our visual appearance. Over time, however, stress, weather and hormones take a toll on our skin, which is reflected...

Mit Ultraschall Hautprobleme effektiv lösen

Solve skin problems effectively with ultrasound

Pimples, acne or pigment spots : skin problems have many faces and make many people feel uncomfortable. You can specifically counteract this discomfort by improving your skin health with ultrasound...

Ultraschall für Gesicht und Körper beugt Falten, Altersflecken sowie Pickeln vor

Ultrasound for face and body prevents wrinkles, age spots and pimples

Pigment spots, wrinkles and spots are skin problems that many people suffer from sooner or later. We at emmi ® -skin offer you an innovative and effective way to effectively tackle these skin probl...

Ultraschall-Kosmetik für eine sichere und effektive Ultraschalltherapie

Ultrasound cosmetics for safe and effective ultrasound therapy

Impure skin can be extremely stressful for many people. One way to treat spots, blackheads or acne is through ultrasound therapy, which can reach its full potential with the right ultrasound cosmet...

Ultraschallgerät gegen Falten für vitale, jugendliche Haut

Ultrasound device against wrinkles for vital, youthful skin

No one has to look at your age. Say with emmi®-skin wrinkles as the first visible signs of skin aging. The innovative ultrasound technology not only offers optimal results for body and facial care,...

Ultraschallbehandlung für das Gesicht: Die Wirkung von emmi®-skin

Ultrasound treatment for the face: The effect of emmi®-skin

A facial care product that penetrates into the lower layers of the skin and ensures that care products can have a deep effect there – and that without any harmful side effects. This is possible wit...

Ist eine Ultraschall-Gesichtsbehandlung gefährlich?

Is an ultrasound facial treatment dangerous?

An ultrasound facial treatment is the optimal way for many people to to effectively cleanse and care for skinDespite all the advantages, there are also many concerns about whether Ultrasonic facial...

Ultraschallgerät gegen Falten für vitale, jugendliche Haut

Ultrasound device against wrinkles for vital, youthful skin

No one has to look at your age. Fight wrinkles, the first visible signs of skin aging, with emmi ® -skin. The innovative ultrasound technology not only offers optimal results for body and facial c...

Brücken, Implantate und Zahnprothese reinigen

Cleaning bridges, implants and dentures

Dentures, bridges, implants and crowns: With dentures, daily oral hygiene can sometimes be a real challenge. On the one hand, dentures provide a great habitat for bacteria. On the ot...

Ultraschallzahnbürste für Kinder

ultrasonic toothbrush for children

Thorough oral hygiene is not a question of age, but accompanies us throughout our lives. As soon as the baby's first teeth come through, dental care should begin and a ...

Reinigung der Zahnspange mit Ultraschall

Cleaning the braces with ultrasound

During orthodontic treatment, oral hygiene is particularly important: In addition to the teeth, fixed braces also require particularly thorough and meticulous cleaning to prevent too...