
Gesundes Lächeln, gesunde Lunge? Die Verbindung zwischen Mundgesundheit und Lungenerkrankungen

Healthy smile, healthy lungs? The connection between oral health and lung disease

Did you know that your bright smile can not only be good for your self-confidence, but also for your lungs? Yes, you heard right! There is a recognizable connection between oral health and l...

Schutz bei Hitze und Kälte: 7 einfache und schnelle Lösungen für schmerzempfindliche Zähne

Protection from heat and cold: 7 simple and quick solutions for sensitive teeth

Teeth that are sensitive to heat or cold can make life very difficult. sensitive teeth are a widespread problem, but there are numerous ways to alleviate the symptoms. In this Article you wi...

Vorsorge trifft Pflege: Wie richtige Mundhygiene bei der Prävention von Krankheiten helfen kann

Prevention meets care: How proper oral hygiene can help prevent diseases

Health through oral hygiene - a guiding principle, the obvious sounds, but is often underestimated. Did you know that proper oral hygiene not only ensures a radiant smile, but can also prote...

Wie deine Ernährung deine Mundgesundheit beeinflusst

How your diet affects your oral health

The Oral health is an essential part of your overall well-beingWhat you eat and drink has a direct impact on your teeth and gums. balanced diet can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease a...

Wie Diabetes die Mundgesundheit beeinflusst

How Diabetes Affects Oral Health

Oral health is an essential part of overall well-being, especially for people with diabetes. Diabetes can have a significant impact on oral health, which is why it is important to know and f...

15 Mythen über Zahnaufhellung aufgeklärt: Fakten statt Fiktion

15 Myths About Teeth Whitening Debunked: Facts Instead of Fiction

A radiant smile can work wonders – it gives you self-confidence and makes you seem even more likeable to other people. But when it comes to There are many myths and misunderstandings about t...

Umgang mit Zahnempfindlichkeit: Ursachen und Lösungen

Dealing with Tooth Sensitivity: Causes and Solutions

Good dental health is essential for your overall well-being. Tooth sensitivity, also known as dentin hypersensitivity, affects many people and can cause considerable discomfort. In this arti...

Alles, was du über Zahnfleischbluten wissen musst: Ursachen und effektive Behandlungen

Everything you need to know about bleeding gums: causes and effective treatments

A healthy smile is more than just white teeth; it also includes healthy gums. Bleeding gums can be a warning signal for various oral health problems and should not be ignored. From simple ir...

Mundgesundheitstipps für Menschen mit Handicap

Oral health tips for people with disabilities

Oral health is an important part of our general well-being, which is sometimes people with disabilities and handicaps overlooked. Fine motor challenges, sensory sensitivities, or other limit...

Zahnsteinbildung reduzieren: Bewährte Tipps und Techniken

Reduce tartar formation: proven tips and techniques

A radiant smile starts with healthy teeth and gums. But one of the biggest Challenges for oral hygiene are tartar formationNot only does tartar increase your risk of gum disease, it can als...

Mundhygiene auf Reisen: So nutzt du deine Ultraschallzahnbürste effektiv

Oral hygiene when travelling: How to use your ultrasonic toothbrush effectively

Traveling not only broadens your horizons, but also challenges our cherished routines - including daily oral hygiene. Maintaining your usual standards of dental care can be a challenge, espe...

emmi-dent Fresh Zahnpasta: Neue Formulierung für eine gesunde Mundhygiene ohne Risiken

emmi-dent Fresh toothpaste: New formulation for healthy oral hygiene without risks

Dental care is an essential part of our daily lives and has a direct impact on our health and well-being. With our new emmi-dent Fresh Ultrasonic Toothpaste without titanium dioxide and para...

Ernährung: Tipps für gesunde Zähne

Nutrition: Tips for healthy teeth

Have you ever wondered why some people have a bright smile that literally lights up the room? good oral hygiene and regular dental visits plays the Nutrition plays a crucial roleYes, you hea...

Die Auswirkungen von Koffein auf Zähne und Zahnfleisch

The Effects of Caffeine on Teeth and Gums

For many of us, the day does not begin without a hot cup of coffee or tea – Drinks that provide us with the energy we need to start the day relaxed. But while caffeine wakes up and invigora...

Mundgeruch vorbeugen und behandeln: Effektive Methoden

Preventing and Treating Bad Breath: Effective Methods

Have you ever spoken to someone and suddenly noticed that the other person feels uncomfortable, maybe even takes a step back? Have you ever asked yourself in this situation: "Is it because o...

Alkohol genießen und ein gesundes Lächeln haben

Enjoy alcohol and have a healthy smile

In our society, alcohol consumption is an integral part of many social activities. But while the effects on the liver and general well-being are well known, the Influence of alcohol on oral ...

Karies verstehen und verhindern: Dein Leitfaden für eine gesunde Mundhygiene

Understanding and Preventing Tooth Decay: Your Guide to Healthy Oral Hygiene

Let us talk today about Caries and this widespread oral health problem Caries is one of the most common diseases worldwide and can affect anyone, regardless of age. However, many are not awa...

Zahnversiegelungen im Kindesalter: Alles, was du wissen musst

Dental Sealants in Childhood: Everything You Need to Know

Let’s talk about protecting young teeth today. As a parent, you want to Best for your child's dental health, and dental sealants can play an important role in this. But what exactly are dent...

Fluorid in der Zahnpflege: Wichtige Fakten und Mythen

Fluoride in Dental Care: Important Facts and Myths

Let’s talk today about why fluoride is important in your dental care. Fluoride is a word we often read on toothpaste tubes and hear in dentist offices, but no one knows exactly what it means...

Effektive Nutzung von Mundspülung: Der Schlüssel zur vollständigen Mundhygiene

Effective Use of Mouthwash: The Key to Complete Oral Hygiene

Let us talk today about the Role of mouthwash in oral hygiene You will certainly know that oral hygiene using a mouthwash is an essential part of our daily routine, and in addition to brushi...

Wasser sparen und Zahngesundheit fördern: Wie kleine Gewohnheiten Großes bewirken

Save water and promote dental health: How small habits make a big difference

Today let’s talk about a precious commodity talk about what we have on earth: WaterWe would like to take you on a little journey – a journey that shows how each of us can not only improve ou...

Ein Lächeln, das bleibt: Die Bedeutung von Zahnarztbesuchen und Ultraschallzahnpflege

A smile that lasts: The importance of dental visits and ultrasonic dental care

Today, let's talk about health that starts in the mouth. A bright smile is more than just a sign of beauty and well-being. It is a reflection of our oral health, which has a significant impa...

Rauchen und Mundgesundheit: Wie unsere emmi-dent Ultraschallzahnbürste unterstützen kann

Smoking and oral health: How our emmi-dent ultrasonic toothbrush can help

Today, let us talk about the smoker's dilemma, but we will only focus on oral health and do not want to initiate a fundamental discussion. Smoking is a habit that not only affects your gener...

Stress und Mundgesundheit: Wie du mit Ultraschallzahnbürsten von emmi-dent dagegenwirken kannst

Stress and oral health: How you can counteract it with ultrasonic toothbrushes from emmi-dent

Let us talk today about the hidden influence of stress on your oral health talk about. Stress can have far-reaching effects on our bodies, and we often underestimate its impact on oral healt...